At the Radiator Warehouse, we offer a bare metal lacquer finish with some of our column radiators, but we often find that our customers don’t know what this means or why it’s beneficial. Let’s explore this type of finish and look at the reasons why you should consider opting for a bare metal lacquer finish next time you buy a column radiator.

What Is A Bare Metal Lacquer Finish

A bare metal lacquer finish is a type of coating applied to a radiator's surface to protect it from rust and other damage while allowing the natural beauty of the metal to shine through. This type of finish is particularly popular for column radiators, which have a traditional and elegant look that can be enhanced by a bare metal lacquer finish.

The finish is achieved by removing any existing paint or coating from the radiator's surface and then applying a clear lacquer. This creates a protective barrier while allowing the natural colour and texture of the metal to remain visible. The result is a beautiful finish that adds character and style to any space.

The Benefits Of A Bare Metal Lacquer Finish

There are several benefits to this finish for your column radiators.


The finish is incredibly durable and resistant to damage, making it a practical choice for high-traffic areas or busy households.


It can be easily cleaned and maintained, ensuring that your radiators look their best for years to come.


This finish offers a unique and stylish look that can complement a range of interior styles, from modern and industrial to traditional and classic.


The finish can be applied to a range of metals, including brass, copper, and steel, allowing you to choose the perfect finish for your specific needs and style preferences.

Ultimately, most customers choose the finish because it adds a unique look to their space while also providing protection for their new radiators.

Bare metal lacquer vertical column radiator.

How To Care For A Bare Metal Lacquer Finish

If you do decide to opt for the finish, the good news is that they’re very easy to care for and maintain. If you want to keep your bare metal lacquer finish in top condition, bear these tips in mind.

Clean Regularly 

To prevent dirt and grime from building up on your radiator's surface, it is important to clean it regularly. Use a soft cloth or brush to gently wipe away any dust or debris, taking care not to scratch the surface.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can damage the lacquer finish, so it is important to use gentle, non-abrasive cleaners when cleaning your radiator. Avoid using bleach, ammonia, or other harsh chemicals that can cause discolouration or damage to the finish.

Check For Damage

Regularly inspect your radiator for any signs of damage or wear, such as scratches or chips in the lacquer finish. If you notice any damage, it is important to address it as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse.

Contact Us

If you’re buying new radiators for your space or if you want to know more about different types of radiators and radiator finishes, contact us today. Our award winning team of experts are always happy to discuss our range or offer our customers friendly advice.